Multi Location Digital
Marketing Services


Businesses with multiple locations, especially franchise locations, require a special approach to digital marketing. Managing PPC campaigns, multiple GMB pages, landing pages and social media accounts for unique locations could require a massive team of stressed out marketing professionals– and a detailed guide-book to ensure consistency. Or, better yet… it could simply require working with people like US who have created tools to help you do this efficiently, fairly, and consistently.

We have the ability to combine manpower and technology to scale the marketing of multi-location businesses. Some of the services we can offer to help you manage this seemingly unmanageable undertaking include:


Clustering is a method for grouping items by similarity. The clustering process utilizes product attributes, marketing metrics, and details to narrow down your target

Customer Segmentation:

We identify & create your customer audiences and then bid at a keyword level. This allows us to target based on customer intent, remarket to past visitors and target the right audience at the right time.

Campaign Building Tool:

Using our campaign builder technology, we’ve created and launched marketing accounts for over 50 locations in 24 hours. Part of this creation included unique location information, offers, and inventory data. We provide our clients with an interface to view advertising performance and online and offline phone tracking with the ability to document and listen to calls.

The Adigma Way


No matter your digital marketing needs, Adigma is here to be your trusted partner. We have all the knowledge and skills your company needs to level-up.

“They genuinely care about their employees and their clients. Adigma goes above and beyond for clients and employees.”

-Andrea, Digital Limited

“Adigma made me more money. Period.”

-David, Holdings Limited

“The marketing wizards at Adigma saved my company. They're the reason I'm still in business.”

-Angel, Gun Safe Storage

“I've never seen ROI like this...Adigma makes marketing look like magic.”

-Eduardo, Stock First

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