We have the creativity and ambitiousness of mad scientists… without being too taboo.

While we don’t have weird hair or evil laughs…


…we are unabashedly ambitious with our use of creativity, science and technology to make an impact on the world. Really, we are just like everyone else, except that for fun we love formulating marketing tests and digging into data and learning what it is telling us about people. We truly get a unique thrill using data and technology to understand people and find creative solutions that have a positive impact on businesses, and thus… people’s lives. Because we know that every business, just like yours, is filled with people trying to decide what to say, how to say it, where to say it and even WHEN to say it.


We are confident we can improve any business because we know how to find a balance between the left and right sides of our brains to say the right things to prospects and customers, identify and vet the technology solutions, and then help our clients to implement trackable, creative, and savvy digital marketing.


The Art of Digital Marketing


For decades, marketers relied 100% on “their guts”, designing and creating content based off assumptions and, often-times, cliches. Until one day (cue the pendulum swing!) marketing became so focused on data that it lost the human element. Neither approach was ideal, and we strongly believe that marketing can, and should be, focused on communicating with people… people who have needs that your company can solve.

Remember that Adigma’s services are holistic, which means we are data nerds who love people, and we use data to understand people and their behaviors. (Ahem… have you heard of Malcolm Gladwell?! We think he is pretty cool.) And that’s why we have teams who focus on curating informed creative content, creating beautifully written and designed campaigns that resonate with real people

The Science of Digital Marketing


Digital Marketing is a unique marketing channel, with a unique set of opportunities and challenges. With the right mix of technologies, data tracking, and budget management, a savvy digital marketer can be very successful. But… what is the right mix of technologies? Do you have the appropriate tracking in place? Is what you are doing scaleable? Are you leveraging personalization elements to their fullest? It’s hard to stay on top of all these things when you are juggling so many other aspects of your business. And, that’s why we are here… we are experts in all aspects of digital marketing and tracking. We are skilled and knowledgeable and ready to take on any of your digital marketing technological hurdles.

The Art of Digital Marketing


For decades, marketers relied 100% on “their guts”, designing and creating content based off assumptions and, often-times, cliches. Until one day (cue the pendulum swing!) marketing became so focused on data that it lost the human element. Neither approach was ideal, and we strongly believe that marketing can, and should be, focused on communicating with people… people who have needs that your company can solve.

Remember that Adigma’s services are holistic, which means we are data nerds who love people, and we use data to understand people and their behaviors. (Ahem… have you heard of Malcolm Gladwell?! We think he is pretty cool.) And that’s why we have teams who focus on curating informed creative content, creating beautifully written and designed campaigns that resonate with real people

The Science of Digital Marketing


Digital Marketing is a unique marketing channel, with a unique set of opportunities and challenges. With the right mix of technologies, data tracking, and budget management, a savvy digital marketer can be very successful. But… what is the right mix of technologies? Do you have the appropriate tracking in place? Is what you are doing scaleable? Are you leveraging personalization elements to their fullest? It’s hard to stay on top of all these things when you are juggling so many other aspects of your business. And, that’s why we are here… we are experts in all aspects of digital marketing and tracking. We are skilled and knowledgeable and ready to take on any of your digital marketing technological hurdles.

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